Indian Organic

Group of international students.

How Organic Foods Help the Society

Consuming organic food has been the go-to remedy for most people as they embark on a personal journey of eating healthy. Everyone has probably heard of the benefits of going organic, but only a few know how beneficial organic food is to society as a whole. Compared to conventional foods or genetically engineered food items, organic food possesses qualities that are favorable to the environment and its consumers.

With the daily activities of humans degrading the environment, the collective effort of opting in for organic food products is the best way to give back to nature. It is important to know the role you play in making society a better place every time you purchase organic food from the grocery store and see yourself as the hero that you are.

The benefits of organic food to the environment

The consumption of organic food and the support it shows to farmers practicing organic farming methods come with a healthy “give and take” relationship between man and his surrounding environment. Without further ado, here are some of the various ways in which the consumption of organic foods help the society:

Reduces pollution

Organic means of farming discourages the use of pesticides and other chemicals to grow plants and feed livestock. The reduction or complete eradication of chemicals strongly impacts soil health and leaves the atmosphere fresh, making it safer to breathe. These chemicals also contaminate water and crops to be consumed, which is detrimental to society.

Slows down global warming

Organic means of farming help increase the amount of carbon stored in the soil, thereby reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere that can lead to climate change. A reduction in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere helps reduce global warming and store enough nutrients in the soil, making it easier for farmers to adapt to climate changes.

Encourages Biodiversity

When organic practices are carried out on the farm, it helps improve the welfare of plants and livestock, as they protect and provide for each other from external factors like pests and diseases. A reduction in biodiversity can lead to a rise in infectious disease, which is dangerous to society.

The Path to a Safer Environment

Consuming organic foods and adopting organic means of farming is a win-win for us and the environment. These practices help make the earth safer to live in, as we reduce the chances of disease spread and boost our immunity with fresh and healthy food products. Mother nature will forever be pleased to see how well we treat her, as we all enjoy mutualism with the environment.

Want to get started with a healthy way of eating? Take a look at the Annapoorna Organic product range. At Annapoorna, we pick the choicest organic produce from all over India and make it available for our customers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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