Indian Organic

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Are Organic Foods Really Expensive?

As you begin your organic food journey, you’re most likely going to have a lot of questions running through your mind. Like how much more you’d have to spend on them compared to the conventional foods you’ve always been used to consuming.

The truth is, organic foods are generally expensive, as one of the commonest known reasons is that the cost of production is higher compared to its counterpart (conventional food). The Food and Agricultural Organization on their website attests to the fact that organic food is more expensive. Some of the reasons being;

  • Unlimited supply and ever-increasing demand
  • The high cost of production and harvest; as more labor is required for the processing and distribution of organic foods.
  • Cost of certification

Increasing demand for organic foods is proof that it is getting enough exposure globally, and people are beginning to see how important it is to the environment and our body system.

Is Organic Food Worth It?

Organic foods are indeed more expensive compared to conventional foods, but what you may not have considered is how inexpensive it is in the long run. Organic foods are foods produced without chemicals and pesticides that can lead to the degradation of soil and food products. With the health and environmental benefits organic foods provide, adopting the organic farming system is worth every penny spent. Here are some of the ways organic farming and food production has proven to be inexpensive in the long run;

Reduction in Health Risk

Chemicals and pesticides used in conventional farming are detrimental to the health of farmers. Organic farming practices help create a safe environment for farmers to carry out farming activities without exposure to health threats. Exposure to foodborne pathogens is also reduced when consumers purchase organic food. With the immunity boosting qualities of organic foods, you get to spend lesser time on hospital visits and drugs.

Environmental Well-being

Organic farming practices also reduce future expenses of curbing environmental pollution. The use of natural pest control and manure is safe for plants and animals, making the environment green again.

Rural Development

Organic farming practices also provide jobs and a better kind of living for people in rural areas. Farmers in these areas also get sufficient income to sustain themselves and their families too. Hence, reducing the rate of poverty in rural areas.

Tips for Saving Money When Going Organic

The price of organic foods often fluctuates, allowing you to purchase as much as you need before the prices go up again. You’d need to watch out for the seasons of food products before purchasing them. Most times, organic foods are cheaper when they are in season, as the gap between supply and demand gets closer.

Want an affordable way to get started with organic? Take a look at the Annapoorna Organic product range. At Annapoorna, we pick the choicest organic produce from all over India and make it available for our customers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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